
Noutibaz - Mauritius Business Network Directory

Noutibaz.com was created to help companies in promoting their business identity, branding and awareness in the market. Thus, increase their visibility so they can easily be identified in their respective Mauritian market.

We understand how everyone works hard and they deserve to be rewarded for it, hence Noutibaz.com promotes local getaways so that you can have a weekend somewhere to relax and literally getaway.

Each client will be respected and looked at in a bespoke and professional manner. Our clients will get a web page or more depending on their choice of Plan with all their activities, address, contact details and also a map showing their location.

We will make sure (depending of the client's choice of Plan) that the company listed will also be visible on the social media platform; Facebook. All our members of staff are professionals in the field of business, I.T. and Marketing. Should you wish to advertise on Noutibaz.com that can also be arranged, and you're always only a click away